OAB Safe is committed to working with the mining industry to drive positive change in the areas of:
There is always going to be an element of risk working in the mining sector. What OAB Safe is working towards is reducing the potential impact of that risk by turning my hindsight into your foresight.

How often do we say “I’m off to work, see you later” without a second thought about what could happen and what role our actions could play?
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Whether you’re an apprentice, tradesman or supervisor, being accountable for how you show up to work each day is the first step towards creating a safer workplace for yourself and your team.
I loved working in the mining industry. The challenges, the mateship… it’s an experience like no other. But the reality is that it’s a hazardous environment, where simple oversights can have devastating consequences. I’m living proof of that.
I believe if every person working in mining adopted a safety mindset, tragedies like mine could be avoided. Every employee deserves to work in an environment where they feel safe.
While it’s up to managers, supervisors and tradesmen to create that environment, apprentices need to take accountability for their own safety as well.
In my experience, there’s a right way and a wrong way to raise concerns in the mining industry. It’s important to be aware of the environment you’re working in and the right processes to follow to have those concerns addressed.

Mental Health
The physical recovery from my injuries was nothing compared to the toll the accident took on my mental health. Going from being a fit, healthy, independent young man to being completely dependent on my loved ones to do the simplest things was tough.
But, like many young men, I didn’t talk about my mental health and relied on unhealthy coping mechanisms to survive. It was only when I saw the impact that was having on my family and friends that I gave myself the wake up call I needed.
Safety in the workplace goes beyond having enough sleep and not being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Your mental state plays a vital part in your ability to focus on your job.
Poor mental health isn’t just a consequence of a traumatic event. It can affect anyone. And it impacts not only you, but your family, friends and workmates.
OAB Toolbox Talks
It’s impossible not to look back on that day and think about what I could have done differently. Hindsight is always 20/20 though, and at the time I was just a 22-year-old bloke who thought he was bulletproof.
There’s something I can do now though – share my story to help prevent worst case scenarios like mine. In my Toolbox Talks, I share my insights of working in the mining industry and highlight the importance of safety, culture and mental health in the workplace.
I’ve presented at mining sites across Australia, from the east coast to the Pilbara, to groups of all sizes and can tailor my message to suit your company’s needs.
Contact me for a free 30-minute consultation to discuss how I can help your team.